As a former member of the military, you know you have a broad array of experience and mastered skills that makes you a fantastic asset to any team or employer; however, sometimes civilian employers do not appear to recognize or acknowledge your military experience and skills for what they are!
Vets2PM Canada wants to correct this deficiency when applying for a civilian career. Vets2PM Canada will show you how the future could hold a Project Management Professional (PMP) designation.
I am the Program Manager for Vets2PM Canada. I thought this might be of interest to you.
Military missions and exercises share their definition with civilian projects: temporary endeavors undertaken to produce a unique good, service, result, or capability.
This means regardless of your primary military occupation, any military member or veteran ever responsible for planning, resourcing, leading, controlling, and documenting mission or exercise performance and outcomes have a secondary informal military occupation we call Project Management in the civilian workforce.
Civilian employers pay dearly for this project management talent; on average of $99K-$118K CAD per year; first job out of military uniform!
Vets2PM Canada provides Regular, Reserve, and Veteran Canadian Armed Forces with the training, knowledge, translation skills, a 2-page resume, LinkedIn profile, Interview Skills Workshop, and project management career placement components needed to secure these meaningful, lucrative project management careers. For life!
Here is a link to a slide show about the Vets2PM Canada program:
Even if this is not beneficial to you, perhaps you may have some colleagues that could benefit from it, please share it with them.
Please note, Veterans Affairs Canada has announced funding that will more than cover the cost of this program and the certification exam:
Here is some more information about our program:
Vets2PM Canada is offering a “program” (PMP®/CAPM® Boot Camp Plus Program not to be confused with the “courses” that have a similar name PMP Exam Prep Boot Camp) to assist the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Regular, Reserve, and Veteran recognize that they are truly an intermediate to senior level project manager. To translate their mastered military skills and military lingo into civilian project management skills and language as set out in the Project Management Institute (PMI) Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide®), with the goal of achieving their Project Management Professional (PMP®) designation. They could in turn use these skills to conduct their current military occupation better, faster, cheaper, and safer and/or they could make the transition to a lucrative civilian career as a Project Manager in industry or public sector.
I have attached 3 documents and I am providing you this link to a recorded session of the Extra TAP class with our founder Dr. Eric A. Wright, MPM, PMP. Please note the material being taught will be based on the PMBOK Guide® 6th Edition and not the 5th Edition as stated in the pdf file.
Please watch this video and review the attachments in conjunction with it:–SCY1RFrk?autoplay=true
In conjunction with the attachment The Extra TAP Class_with_Vet_Stone_INTL_v.3 you can then visit and enter your military experience. You will receive a report depicting its commercialized version for your application, resume, and LinkedIn profile. The FAQs there will walk you through it.
Please let me know if you have more questions or if you have difficulty open the attachments.
This is the current plan for the in-classroom portion of program. All dates and locations are subject to change based on sufficient student enrolment and instructor availability.
1. Victoria, BC
7-11 May 2018
2. CFB Edmonton, AB
14-18 May 2018
3. Winnipeg, MB
28 May – 1 June 2018
4. Kingston, ON
4-8 June 2018
5. Ottawa, ON
18-22 June 2018
6. CFB Gagetown, NB
25-29 June 2018
7. St. John’s, ML
9-13 July 2018
Please EMAIL ( ) me with your preferred location in Canada for the program, this will enable us to plan our infrastructure requirements with more accuracy. Those persons that email me, will be emailed with location and registration information as soon as it is available.
Best regards,
L.H. Stieler, CD, PMP, Major (Retired)
Program Manager
Information about Vets2PM Canada 30 Jan 18The Extra TAP Class_with_Vet Stone_INTL_v.3
Vets2PM PMXv001 PMP&CAPM BC Prep Course Syllabus w LO